Greetings from W.G.P.I

Wesam Gulf Properties & Investments (A.B.C) invites you to partner with us and benefit in our 2023 Loan funding program.

Wesam Gulf Properties & Investments (A.B.C) is a Giant in maintains extensive technology, oil exploration, development, production and financing investment project, Wesam Gulf Properties & Investments (A.B.C) funding activity specializes in real estate and hospitality, industrial and sustainable technologies, strategic financial investments, Starting up Business Expansion, Commercial Real Estate purchase, Contract Execution, Healthcare services, Agriculture, manufacturing, mining and Energy projects.

Wesam Gulf Properties & Investments (A.B.C) offers 1.5% commission to brokers, who wish to work with us by presenting viable project owners for project finance or other opportunities.

Wesam Gulf Properties & Investments (A.B.C) is acting as a lender and the fund will be disbursed on a clear interest rate of 2.5% annually to our partners and Entrepreneurs for their investment projects.

Thanks for your cooperation and I look forward to hearing from you.

Wesam Gulf Properties & Investments (A.B.C)

Mr. Almutlaq Mohammed Hussain


Building 60, Block 306 Road 601
Flat 41, Manama Area 3, Bahrain
Email: hussainwesam7gulf.ae66@gmail.com

por "W.G.P.I COLLABORATION OFFER" <hussainwesam7gulf.ae66@gmail.com> - 08:10 - 15 nov. 2023